EWB Summit & Award 2023

Welcome to the 2023 edition of 

Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day with the EWB Summit & Award.

Join us in celebrating sustainable entrepreneurship, this year focusing on showcasing people we feel embody the 2023 year theme of ROLE MODELS.

Donnie SC Lygonis, EWB Founder and Chairman, explains:

"Every year since we started the EWB Summit & Award in 2019 we have had a theme for our event. This years theme stems from the encounters we all have had with inspiring people in our lives, from when we were young and were mentored or guided, to when we might be seen as role models ourselves, whether we want it or not. 

With this we want to emphasize the importance of role models and the possibilities they create by being authentic human beings and committed to doing the right thing in their everyday lives.

At this year's event, we hope to captivate and inspire you with talks, and have you meet individuals who embody the essence of role models, just like yourself. 

For us, a role model doesn't have to be the super successful entrepreneur, since success in our eyes can be as modest yet profound as the right to be your authentic self and to contribute positively to your community—whether it's coaching a local soccer team, having a good job that you find stimulating or finding your unique creative outlet.

At EWB we aren't in the business of chasing unicorns, instead our mission is to nurture a wide variety of many companies. Instead of growing one unicorn, we want to grow thousands of oxen and workhorses, the bedrock and backbone of industry and society. 

Our vision for 2030 is clear - 1000 healthy companies, each employing 100 people. 

For that to become a reality we need healthier role models, people who are doing a good thing, founders of impact startups, the ones who care more about what they leave behind and what they can help create for the future. 

That is also our inspiration for this year's theme and this years nominees to the EWB award, role models who show the way by being their authentic selves and contributing positively to society. 

Please join us on November 17th to celebrate and shine the light on role models, current and future."

The 2023 EWB Award Nominees: 

Please take a moment to visit the three nominees for this year's EWB Award, superheroes all three:

BENDEGA Indonesia, helping farmers and fishermen create sustainable ecosystems.

Imagine We Rwanda, creating relevant narratives and role models for young Africans.

Dyamo Sweden, creating mentorship programs for young students.

The EWB Award acknowledges and shines a light on the people that are creating actual positive impact in the world, and that represent the EWB core values of sustainability, equality and social responsibility.

Venue and time: The Park Södra, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 1

16.00 Doors open , drinks and food served.

17.00 Program starts with intro and welcome address: Donnie, Founder & Chair EWB.

Peter Brune, Secretary General at War Child Sweden

17.30 Helen Melchert, Brand Manager, Scania Group 

17.45 Andreas Blom, Cultural Curator, Kollektivet Livet

18.00 Poonam Balan-Ng, Founder & CEO, TACT+HUB

18.15 Break, refreshments served 

18.45 The 2023 EWB Award 

19.30 Final remarks, Donnie SC Lygonis

20.00 EWB event end, mingle and party commences!


Regular tickets to the EWB event are free of charge, but the please consider our paid tickets, every krona makes a difference in our mission to effect positive change.

Donations can also be done separately by Swish: 123 166 48 53


Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day is a theme day to raise awareness of the need of a new paradigm in entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship, and with that we mean sustainability in all aspects; economically, environmentally and socially.

We are the foundation Entrepreneurs Without Borders and we have hosted the EWB Summit & Award since 2019 and Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day since 2021. 

Please help us spread the word, join the cause by signing up for the Entrepreneurs Without Borders network on https://ewb.world/



Donnie SC Lygonis
Founder & Chair Entrepreneurs Without Borders

EWB Founder Donnie SC Lygonis first got the idea for EWB when traveling India back in 2011 but it wasn't until he gave a TEDx talk about it in 2016 that it got off the ground. 

Donnie spends his days as a Innovation Strategist and Business Coach at KTH Innovation, the innovation office at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where he has spent the past 14 years co-creating what today is considered to be one of the world's best innovation support units. 

On November 17th Donnie will give a short intro to EWB and this year's theme: Role Models.

Read more about Donnie and connect with him on LinkedIn: 

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Poonam Balan-Ng
Founder & Chief Strategist TACT+HUB

Poonam Balan-Ng, Founder and Chief Strategist of TACT+HUB in Berlin, is dedicated to fostering positive change. With a focus on the EU, she actively assists organizations and startups in crafting socially and environmentally conscious brand and impact strategies.

They specialize in comprehensive scorecarding and impactful metrics for sustainable growth, and empowered open source startups in sustainability tech areas: climate, health, sport, manufacturing, and frontier B2B solutions.

Poonam will talk about their new ESGBACKED program focusing on CleanTech & ClimateTech.

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Peter Brune
Secretary General at War Child Sweden

Peter Brune is the Secretary General at War Child Sweden with a mission to help as many children as possible to process the trauma from war and armed conflicts. When children receive protection, education and psychosocial support, they can grow up to be more secure and confident adults. Then they can eventually break the circle of violence and create a peaceful future. One thing is certain: no child should be part of war, ever!

Peter will be talking about the project "Together" that they are running together with the municipality of Södertälje and Scania, more on this link

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Andreas Blom
Cheif Culture Curator

Andreas Blom is one of the founders and now Chief Culture Curator of the artist collective Kollektivet Livet that for over 2 decades now have managed to combine art, craftsmanship and technology to fulfill their and their client’s ideas. 

They are known for arts, design, set design & props that are appreciated in productions for exhibitions, events, commercials and private use. Whether they print in 3d or sculpt by hand, the result is what matters.

Hear Andeas talk about 20 years of creative growth, craziness and success.

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Helen Melchert
Brand Manager Scania Group

Helen Melchert is Brand Manager at Scania Group and heavily involved in their mentorship programs that they run with different NGOs. She will be talking about lessons learned as an organization when organizing mentorship programs and how Scania has benefited from participating in them. 

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Organized by

Entrepreneurs Without Borders@ewb_world@ewb_worldinfo@ewb.world

Entrepreneurs Without Borders (EWB) is a non-profit foundation registered in Sweden. We help founders of SDG aligned companies scale up and grow in order to create jobs and enable global impact. Our purpose is to promote a model of sustainable entrepreneurship and we firmly believe that ALL business should be or strive for sustainability, socially responsibility and equality in sync with the UN 17 SDGs.